Private information, such as bank statements, business contracts, medical records, strategic documents, etc., are confidential materials produced daily in every business. Business espionage professionals consider trash the single most available source of private information. When this data ends up in a dumpster, it’s easily and legally available to anyone.
Shredding all documents related to your business is an important step in preventing confidential information from getting into the wrong hands.
“Dumpster diving” is not a myth! Industrial spying was and always will have a ‘low tech’ component. Notes from your annual strategy retreat? Priceless! Patent applications? Invaluable! Working tax documents? Fantastic! Any and all notes that relate to your company’s past, present and future actions can be absolutely destructive in the hands of your competitors.

Steps We Take To Reduce The Risk. Why It’s Important to Shred On-Site

Step 1: Get Your Bins
A slotted, lockable storage bin or console (sizes: 27″, 36″ console, 65 gallon or 95 gallon bin) is provided to securely hold your confidential information throughout the month. Our consoles are designed to fit nicely in a corner or under a desk.

Step 2: We Arrive
At the agreed upon frequency, IDSAutoshred’s friendly, bonded and insured driver will visit your office and announce his arrival. He’ll quickly empty your console(s) or bin(s) and shred your confidential documents on-site outside your doors.

Step 3: We Shred
You’re welcome to witness the destruction process completed by our modern, state-of-the-art trucks. We’ll then email you your invoice and certificate of destruction after each service.
We Provide Free Locking Containers To Our Scheduled Customers
IDSAutoshred makes available to our customers locking containers for scheduled services. Our recurring scheduled Clients, will be supplied with either locking consoles or locking rolling bins. Keys are supplied for the containers, in the event material needs to be retrieved.

We will ensure that you comply with the law
Federal and state legislation mandates the secure disposal of consumer data. Compliance with these privacy policies isn’t just good business practice, it’s the law!
We are proud to be AAA Certified from The National Association for Information Destruction (NAID).
NAID AAA Certification verifies the qualifications of certified information destruction providers through a comprehensive scheduled and unannounced audit program.

Learn how we can help you save money with our effective document shredding plans.
Call: (877) 886-4732
We Value Our Customers!
We’re here to help your business and personal assets through efficient processes, mobile technology, & great customer service. We offer 10% discount in your initial shred.
Our goal is to provide excellent customer satisfaction using high technology and good old fashion customer care.
Peter Levitt, CEO, IDSAutoshred